HAVEN // Pregnancy Ultrasound and Maternal Fetal Medicine Services
Haven offers comprehensive, specialist scans to assess and monitor your baby throughout your entire pregnancy. Ultrasound is a safe and reliable means to check on your baby’s growth and development at each gestational period.
Our 2D, 3D and 4D images offer detailed imaging which allow us to identify any issues and offer special keepsake images and videos, sent directly to your smartphone.
It’s important to schedule time to attend ultrasounds during your pregnancy. At Haven, we offer ultrasounds for each stage of your pregnancy – from your first dating scan to the last growth scan before birth. Our onsite Doctors work with your sonographer to provide optimal care and keep you informed as to the health of your baby.
Our services are available to all low and high-risk women.
Pregnancy Ultrasound and Screening
Dating Scan
The first scan you’ll likely attend is the Dating Scan. This scan is timed based on the date of your last period, coupled with your pregnancy hormone levels.
It is the first check to confirm that the pregnancy is developing in your uterus or womb. This scan provides very important clinical information for your pregnancy: it confirms the health or viability of your pregnancy, counts the number of babies and calculates the date that your pregnancy will be managed on, your expected date of birth.
Pre-NIPT (Non-invasive prenatal testing) scan
From 10 weeks gestation. The pre-NIPT scan allows us to confirm the pregnancy viability and the number of babies, as well as ensuring you are the correct gestation for the test to be performed.
The NIPT is a highly sensitive blood test taken from Mum, which screens for Down syndrome and other chromosomal/genetic changes, as well as determining the sex of your baby.
At Haven the NIPT blood test collection is available onsite with our preferred providers QML and Natera.
NIPT collection day and times vary between clinics, please contact the clinic directly for bookings.
If you request the best available screening test for a chromosomal change in the baby, (called Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)) we will perform a scan before you have this test, to ensure it is clinically appropriate to proceed.
NIPT is available onsite through our provider QML within our practice. The pre-NIPT scan allows us to confirm the pregnancy viability and the number of babies, as well as ensuring you are the correct gestation for the test to be performed. NIPT is available from 10 weeks gestation. Our sonographers can also more accurately date your pregnancy in this scan.
If you choose to perform the NIPT as a chromosomal screening option, then a 13 week early structural assessment is still recommended. It is too early at the pre-NIPT stage to perform the first structural assessment.
At this scan, the Nuchal Translucency is measured (the fluid filled space behind your baby’s neck). If the more accurate screening test NIPT has been performed already, no risk calculation for Down Syndrome is reported.
The NT measurement is still beneficial as it helps to assess for other conditions such as Spina Bifida alongside early anatomical assessment such as the heart, kidneys, stomach, bladder and brain. We also assess the placenta and your cervix to check for any abnormalities. We can see your baby move around on scan at this stage, and even try for 3D and 4D images.
If NIPT is not performed, but chromosomal screening is still requested, then we will perform Combined First Trimester Screening (CFTS). This screening test involves both a scan and blood test.
The scan takes places at approximately 12-13 weeks gestation, when the Nuchal Translucency (NT) is measured and the baby’s nasal bone assessed. The scan findings are combined with the result of blood tests (measuring the pregnancy hormones BhCG and PAPP-A in the mother’s blood) to calculate the chance that the developing baby has a change in the chromosomal make-up, such as Down syndrome. Again, screening for pre-eclampsia and growth restriction are also available at this scan stage.
Pre-eclampsia (PE) screening is undertaken to detect pre-eclampsia, a serious but uncommon pregnancy complication which can cause high blood pressure and organ damage for you, as well as growth issues and premature birth for babies.
Screening at the early structural or Nuchal Translucency scan is standard and helps to identify women at higher risk of PE through a simple blood test, measurement of your height, weight and blood pressure and an ultrasound taken in your first trimester screening.
A Morphology Scan takes place at around 20 weeks gestation. Otherwise known as a ‘anatomy scan’, the primary purpose is to assess the structural development of your baby.
Now that your baby is a little bigger, our sonographers will take a detailed look at all your baby’s organs and limbs, and measure baby’s size, to identify if there are any signs of a problem. It is also important to assess the the placenta and cervix at this stage of pregnancy. It’s a highly detailed scan designed to detect structural abnormalities. It’s important to note however, that not all abnormalities can be detected at a scan before birth. Ask our sonographers if you want to know the sex of your baby (assuming the fetal position allows us to)!
These scans often take place in the third trimester after the morphology scan. These scans allow our experts to assess your baby’s size, and determine growth compared to the previous scans.
The well-being of the baby is evaluated by measuring the amount of amniotic fluid around your baby and a thorough assessment of specific blood flows. At this scan, we can also assess the placental location, cervix and we can review the baby’s anatomy if there are areas of concern.
Twins/Triplets Scans are performed for women expecting multiple babies. It is not possible to assess the growth of more than one baby by clinically examining a pregnant woman’s abdomen.
These scans are designed to ensure the health of all the babies you’re carrying and take place more frequently than scans for women only expecting a single baby. The recommendations change dependent on the type of twins or triplets you’re carrying. Our team are experts in evaluating a multiple pregnancy and confirming the type of twins or triplets you have and will determine your pregnancy risk evaluation and management dependant on your unique circumstances.
A Cervix Ultrasound allows our expert medical team to gain a clear picture of the cervix, placenta and baby. This is an internal vaginal ultrasound and provides a clearer diagnostic image superior to an abdominal ultrasound.
A cervical length assessment may be recommended for a variety of circumstances where you may be at risk of having a shorter cervix – which increases the risk of preterm birth. Women who have had a previous preterm birth, previous cervical surgery such as LLETZ or cone biopsy or have/had a cervical suture, D&C (dilatation and curettage), twins or triplets or if there is a suspicion of a short cervix, are highly recommended to have this ultrasound. It can be slightly uncomfortable, but it isn’t a painful procedure and usually takes under half an hour to perform.
At Haven Ultrasound our standard practice is to perform transvaginal cervical length assessments on all women at morphology scans, in keeping with the latest in international practices. Your Doctor may request a cervical assessment separate to this at a different stage in your pregnancy due to your individual circumstances however.
Second Opinion Ultrasounds may result from a referral from your Doctor to confirm a suspicion or diagnosis or to provide peace of mind for you.
Sometimes performed if previous scans have been inconclusive, or simply if you’d just like to change providers, second opinion ultrasounds can help you feel more confident about your baby’s health.
Fetal Echo
A fetal echo is a detailed fetal cardiac ultrasound assessment of your baby’s heart and can be performed late in the first trimester and all the way through pregnancy.
At Haven we are extremely fortunate to have on our team Dr Tim Colen who is a Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist who also works across at the QLD Childrens Hospital and Mater Mothers Hospital. If any concerns are detected with your baby’s heart our Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists will recommend a detailed cardiac ultrasound of your baby’s heart otherwise known as a fetal echo.
This will be performed by our highly skilled sonographers and Dr Tim Colen. Immediately following the scan Dr Colen will discuss with you the findings of the ultrasound in detail and what they mean for your baby, ongoing management in your pregnancy and following the birth of your baby.
Pregnancy Procedures
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) takes place earlier than amniocentesis, between 11-14 weeks gestation and is used to test for chromosomal conditions in your baby.
A tiny sample of cells is taken from the chorionic villi in the placenta, to test for genetic conditions via an ultrasound guided needle. Often offered to women who are at higher risk of conditions, or those who would like greater certainty about a diagnosis of a chromosomal condition or who require further genetic information.
Amniocentesis is a medical procedure used to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections. A tiny sample of amniotic fluid is taken from around your baby via a very fine ultrasound guided needle and is examined for genetic abnormalities.
Usually performed from 15 weeks of gestation, this test is performed on women who are determined to have an increased risk or suspicion of chromosomal or genetic conditions.
External cephalic version (ECV) is a manoeuvre used by our medical team when your baby is in the breech position and needs to be turned before birth.
Guided by ultrasound, the specialist uses their hands on the outside of your abdomen, to turn your baby into a head down position, to ensure they are in a safe position ready for birth. Before and after this procedure is attempted, an ultrasound is performed to check baby’s wellbeing, as well as a CTG (cardiotocograph) which is a recording of your baby’s heartbeat. The specialist will only perform this manoeuvere if it is safe to do so, and a number of factors depend on how successful the procedure is. Ask to speak to our midwife or one of our specialists for more information.
Fetal Therapy is used to help relieve fetal illness and achieve a smooth delivery. Guided by ultrasound, our expert medical team can perform fetal surgery or invasive procedures to provide the optimal chance for the health of your baby.
Advanced technology is helping to better diagnose and treat babies in utero, however this therapy is only used with a confirmed diagnosis requiring pre-natal attention.